The New Church idea of conscience is very different from the popular conception. One might expect conscience to be portrayed by such stories as the inner voice that tells Abram to go into the desert to worship God by sacrificing his son. Or perhaps conscience is to be illustrated by the prophet Nathan who comes to David and, by means of a story about a poor man and his only lamb, exposes David’s sin in having Uriah killed in battle so that he could have Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba.
Rejoice the Lord is With You!
Human beings all seek joy in their life, although there are many who don’t know what genuine joy is. And all humans desire to be favored by others, although too many of us do not seek the favor of the Lord. And you are here today in part because deep in your spirit is the desire to have the Lord present in your life.
Fear Hurting, Not Being Hurt
What are you afraid of? The dark? Walking down a dark street at night? What your future will be? That you will die in a horrible way? Do you fear the loss of honor and reputation, or the loss of your material possessions? These are fears perhaps shared by us all. But there is another class of fear that is represented in the Word by the expression “fear of God.”