Clark Echols offers a variety of different workshops in addition to being a small group facilitator. Here are some of the workshops currently available.


Using Your Lover, Warrior, Magician & King Energies

During this workshop you will discover how to use your Lover, Warrior, Magician and King Energies to gain new access to your emotions, and you will learn how learn how to manage them. We will explore how the flow of energy will maintain and enhance the work you are doing to achieve optimum health. This will be an intense 3 hours of teaching, guided meditation, journaling and practice.

Mindfulness For Wellness

You are paying attention to your body and your health. You can pay attention to your mind, too! Mindfulness will support and enhance all that you are doing for your body and your physical health. At this workshop you will learn skills that, with practice, will bring the benefits of a balanced and energized spirit to the healing of your body and maintenance of your health.